Monday 29 March 2010

My crime... Not swatching

Casting on...

I've finished my jumper! The first jumper ever made by my own hands! I was so excited when I got to the sewing together and was even more excited when all the stripes lined up! I couldn't wait to wear it! It's to small... The sleeves are to short, the neckband is to tight and the body doesn't even pretend to cover enough of my tummy... Next time I'll be doing a tension square and measuring myself properly... I'm still pleased with it! It will fit someone I'm sure and I was very impressed with myself that I managed to A) Finish it in a month, and B) Finish it at all! Not a complete waste of time I now have the no excuse not to do another one and I really like the style of this one so I might start it again soon.

On Sat Knit 1 Sip 2 (My local knitting group) took a trip to Liverpool and when to Make, Do and Knit. It was great! Not to big so we could get round it in a day with plenty of time for cups of tea and cake half way through. So much beautiful hand dyed and hand spun wool! I had given myself a budget, I didn't even spend it all (just most of it)! We did some "Big knitting" which was great fun and I almost invested in some 2 foot long needles. It was lovely to have a knitty day out. I'll get some pictures of my "investments" up soon.

Casting off...

1 comment:

Lauren Ipsum said...

Yay! Well done on finishing the sweater!! I am *so* impressed.
