Saturday, 6 March 2010


Casting on...

Here I am again, has it really been two weeks?!

Got a small amount of knitting done on the train but had to change twice so was so freaked that I would forget that I couldn't really relax.

I've almost finished the socks! They have drained every free minute of my life since I started the second one. I was in the student union bar this evening (Note: two drinks makes for what seems to the knitter like very quick knitting, in reality half speed...) while my beloved A was talking to his friends I whipped out my knitting and got on with my sock, attracted a lot of attention from nearby students who were disappointed when we left, I had to stop and tell them about it, they wanted to see "My work" and told me they would pay good money for it! No need for a degree I'm sorted if I can get "Good money" for poorly knitted socks! I also had to explain knitting to a few of A's course friends. One asked me if I'd ever seen "something that's like two needles that are joined with wire" and before I could reply A said "Circular needles" (Not a cool moment for him...)

Sadly these socks have taken me to hell and back and it's to painful to talk about right now, maybe when they are done I'll be able to talk about it...

Casting off...

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