Monday, 1 March 2010

Make time for knitting.

Today I made time for knitting by putting in less effort in other places!

Ok not strictly true.
I run a drama club on a Monday and this week we watching a TV show to give them some ideas. Being the director and leader of the club I obviously needed no help with anything to do with acting... (Drama degree at the university of Only Ever Got Chorus Parts). I used the time to knit! A few comments from the "Actors" but they know nothing of the stress that is knitting a sock! Lines to learn they tell me! Pah! Try turning a heel or knowing when to start decreasing for the toe of a sock belonging to a person that lives over 200 miles away! Sure you spend months learning lines for a play that is performed once or twice! My socks will be worn forever! (Or until the heel goes).

Actors no sense of commitment...

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