Woke up fairly early today and got straight on with my knitting. Managed to finish the first sock! It fits like a glove... like a sock would be more useful but it'll do.

I really love the yarn, I might have to get some more for myself! I'm hoping S's feet are the exact same size as mine though or I might have to keep them... Hmmm...
"Sorry S they fit me too well! No way will they fit you this well... Happy Birthday though!"
Hmm.. No, won't go down well...
We went to Cromer today. I like the sea side but I don't like getting sand between my toes, it bugs me for the rest of the day...
We ate in a nice pub, The Red Lion. A did have to save me from a deadly killer moth though... It was the size of a small bird! (If that small bird happened to be the size of a normal sized moth...)
I've never liked things that flap at me, pigeons, butterflies, moths, bats... anything that could get tangled in my hair or get to close to my face really... But A saved me, he got a glass and a coaster and managed to throw it outside, he had a small crowd of people watching him as he tried to get this moth into the glass (He didn't seem too keen on it either...)
So after an eventful day of sock knitting and killer moth avoiding I'm hoping to get a good restful nights sleep before we travel the 5 hours back to Manchester tomorrow.
Casting off...
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