Casting on...
My blog can now be found at...
The Knitty Kitty
It's all new and pretty! Enjoy!
Casting off...
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Casting on...
I have internet!! Until now I've been plugging my phone into my laptop and using the (Limited) internet access I can get from that (very slow...) but now I have fast broadband! (Apparently...)
Yesterday we had guests to the house! A's parents came to drop off some of our (Mostly my) stuff, we had to move by train so I couldn't bring half as much stash as I would have liked... I now have a craft desk set up for all of my creative outlets to run wild! Although at the moment anything that isn't knitting related has been put in a box under said craft desk... so really it's a knitting desk with a few extra pencils....
After long deliberation (I've been so bored!) I have decided to stop calling "A", "A"... I think it's very confusing, heck I get confused when I read over my blog and just see little "A"s all over the place. So here we go... (Not quite the unveiling of The Stig but it's gotta be pretty darn close!) He shall henceforth be known as... Andrew! (Do I have to fire him now? Or kill him off? Anyone got an aircraft carrier?)
I have also finished my socks! (This post is going to live up to it's name darn it!) here they are!

They are quite woolie and make my feet itch a little but I don't care! I'll suffer for them!

I was very worried when I washed them... I even asked Andrew for his opinion on washing settings (he did the very man thing of saying lots of things that weren't very helpful but sounded like they should be...) They didn't felt, though I'll still worry every time I wash them, and Andrew will claim it was his "Help" that prevented felting.
Here is a picture of my "Desk"...

I have to sit in the living room most of the time because Andrew doesn't like to sit alone. He tends to be rather distracting though. I mostly don't mind but I need to blog! (His response to my accusation of "Distracting" was "Me?!... I love you...?" I think he gets away with too much...
I'm very excited about Six Sock September. I made a group on Ravelry and expected that my mum would join "To support me" and that would be about it. I'm amazed at the amount of people who are interested! Everyone seems very keen to get knitting and work through some stash. I've set myself a challenge of working though about half my stash before Christmas and so Six Sock September will get some moving. I also have a few other challenges in mind but they might stick as personal ones. Not sure how many people are going to be up for a knitted cat costume for Halloween... Still not sure if I'm up for it...
Casting off...
I have internet!! Until now I've been plugging my phone into my laptop and using the (Limited) internet access I can get from that (very slow...) but now I have fast broadband! (Apparently...)
Yesterday we had guests to the house! A's parents came to drop off some of our (Mostly my) stuff, we had to move by train so I couldn't bring half as much stash as I would have liked... I now have a craft desk set up for all of my creative outlets to run wild! Although at the moment anything that isn't knitting related has been put in a box under said craft desk... so really it's a knitting desk with a few extra pencils....
After long deliberation (I've been so bored!) I have decided to stop calling "A", "A"... I think it's very confusing, heck I get confused when I read over my blog and just see little "A"s all over the place. So here we go... (Not quite the unveiling of The Stig but it's gotta be pretty darn close!) He shall henceforth be known as... Andrew! (Do I have to fire him now? Or kill him off? Anyone got an aircraft carrier?)
I have also finished my socks! (This post is going to live up to it's name darn it!) here they are!

They are quite woolie and make my feet itch a little but I don't care! I'll suffer for them!

I was very worried when I washed them... I even asked Andrew for his opinion on washing settings (he did the very man thing of saying lots of things that weren't very helpful but sounded like they should be...) They didn't felt, though I'll still worry every time I wash them, and Andrew will claim it was his "Help" that prevented felting.
Here is a picture of my "Desk"...

I have to sit in the living room most of the time because Andrew doesn't like to sit alone. He tends to be rather distracting though. I mostly don't mind but I need to blog! (His response to my accusation of "Distracting" was "Me?!... I love you...?" I think he gets away with too much...
I'm very excited about Six Sock September. I made a group on Ravelry and expected that my mum would join "To support me" and that would be about it. I'm amazed at the amount of people who are interested! Everyone seems very keen to get knitting and work through some stash. I've set myself a challenge of working though about half my stash before Christmas and so Six Sock September will get some moving. I also have a few other challenges in mind but they might stick as personal ones. Not sure how many people are going to be up for a knitted cat costume for Halloween... Still not sure if I'm up for it...
Casting off...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Six Sock September!
Casting on...
Six Sock September is a September Sock challenge! The challenge? To knit 6 Socks (3 pairs) during September. Everyone who completes the challenge with receive an “Achievement Button” which you can put on your blog or use as your Ravelry avatar.
The “Rules”:
Socks must be cast on no earlier than September 1st (Swatching can be done before hand).
All socks must be complete and wearable (So that includes sewing ends in!) before midnight on September 30th.
All socks should be knit from different patterns.
When you have completed the challenge please provide us with pictures so we can award you your “Achievement Button”
Other Bits:
Really the main aim of the challenge is to knit 3 pairs of sock during September, if you want to knit all three pairs the same that’s fine! You will still get you “Achievement Button”.
You can be as adventurous as you like! Wanna knit 3 pairs of over the knee socks!? Go ahead! If you think you can finish them that is…
Here's a link to the Ravelry Group
If you're not on Ravelry (huh?!) either get your knitty butt there! You have no idea what you're missing! Or send me an email! theknittykittyATamictDOTcoDOTuk (So you can get an "Achievement Button" when your done!
If you're taking part feel free to use this picture for Avatars or on your blog!

Casting off...
Six Sock September is a September Sock challenge! The challenge? To knit 6 Socks (3 pairs) during September. Everyone who completes the challenge with receive an “Achievement Button” which you can put on your blog or use as your Ravelry avatar.
The “Rules”:
Socks must be cast on no earlier than September 1st (Swatching can be done before hand).
All socks must be complete and wearable (So that includes sewing ends in!) before midnight on September 30th.
All socks should be knit from different patterns.
When you have completed the challenge please provide us with pictures so we can award you your “Achievement Button”
Other Bits:
Really the main aim of the challenge is to knit 3 pairs of sock during September, if you want to knit all three pairs the same that’s fine! You will still get you “Achievement Button”.
You can be as adventurous as you like! Wanna knit 3 pairs of over the knee socks!? Go ahead! If you think you can finish them that is…
Here's a link to the Ravelry Group
If you're not on Ravelry (huh?!) either get your knitty butt there! You have no idea what you're missing! Or send me an email! theknittykittyATamictDOTcoDOTuk (So you can get an "Achievement Button" when your done!
If you're taking part feel free to use this picture for Avatars or on your blog!

Casting off...
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Sox on the Beach
Casting on...
At the moment all of my knitting is being done in Oban (Scotland). I have been away since Sunday and have loved every moment of the sun and sea and heat! I was always told Scotland was a very rainy place. It has rained but I was of the opinion that is was never ever sunny and this is why we never holidayed there. I have a tan! You can't tell me Scotland is a rainy place and then have me get a tan!
Yesterday was a beach day. I spent most of it on sand. I - unlike the very shrieky teenage girls just down from us - was not under the misconception that the sea would be hot. Or even warm... It seemed to take them a long time to realise the water was cold too, as for the entire twenty minutes they were in there they kept screaming "It's so cold!" at regular intervals...
While they caught a cold I set out to finish my first holiday sock! This sock is a very special sock for four reasons. First, it's the first sock that I have ever knit for myself. Second, it's knit with a new pattern so rather than a plain leg and foot it's ribbed. Third, it's a holiday knit. and fourth, it's the first sock that I've knit for me! (I know I said it twice but it's that important to me...)

After I finished the sock (this I must admit shocked me as I thought it would take much longer) I set to work on the second birthday sock for S. I had almost finished it and planned on getting it done before I leave on Tuesday and guess what!! I did! I finished it last night AND successfully grafted the toe as well! I'm very proud of myself. So I got to start my second holiday sock this afternoon, I'm not expecting to finish it before Tuesday (Although knitting gods if you're reading this and want to give me the magic power of speed knitting I won't object!) As long as it's done for my first day back to work I'll be happy!

Also today I found out that finished socks keep the sun off your head very well. Although worn on your head they they are also very good at keeping your holiday party away too...

Casting off...
At the moment all of my knitting is being done in Oban (Scotland). I have been away since Sunday and have loved every moment of the sun and sea and heat! I was always told Scotland was a very rainy place. It has rained but I was of the opinion that is was never ever sunny and this is why we never holidayed there. I have a tan! You can't tell me Scotland is a rainy place and then have me get a tan!
Yesterday was a beach day. I spent most of it on sand. I - unlike the very shrieky teenage girls just down from us - was not under the misconception that the sea would be hot. Or even warm... It seemed to take them a long time to realise the water was cold too, as for the entire twenty minutes they were in there they kept screaming "It's so cold!" at regular intervals...
While they caught a cold I set out to finish my first holiday sock! This sock is a very special sock for four reasons. First, it's the first sock that I have ever knit for myself. Second, it's knit with a new pattern so rather than a plain leg and foot it's ribbed. Third, it's a holiday knit. and fourth, it's the first sock that I've knit for me! (I know I said it twice but it's that important to me...)

After I finished the sock (this I must admit shocked me as I thought it would take much longer) I set to work on the second birthday sock for S. I had almost finished it and planned on getting it done before I leave on Tuesday and guess what!! I did! I finished it last night AND successfully grafted the toe as well! I'm very proud of myself. So I got to start my second holiday sock this afternoon, I'm not expecting to finish it before Tuesday (Although knitting gods if you're reading this and want to give me the magic power of speed knitting I won't object!) As long as it's done for my first day back to work I'll be happy!

Also today I found out that finished socks keep the sun off your head very well. Although worn on your head they they are also very good at keeping your holiday party away too...

Casting off...
Friday, 6 August 2010
Casting on...
Goodbye has been the main word in my vocabulary over the past few days.
Goodbye to my Church and all the people there,
Goodbye to all the kids I've been working with,
Goodbye to my hosts,
Goodbye to the house,
Goodbye to books and other little items,
And most importantly,
Goodbye to my stash! (Only until it makes its way up here in the car)
It was quite a stressful move, me and A on the train to Newcastle upon Tyne with three bags each wasn't fun.
It's the first time I've lived alone: I don't count A and N (The other guy living with us) because we are all in it for the first time!
We have been without the internet and a TV for 5 days! We can tether our phones but it's not the same...
I've not done much knitting since I've been here, too much "important" stuff to do. A is still failing to convince me that food shopping and sorting out bills could be more important than my jumper.
I did make a hat and a set of fingerless mitts. The hat still needs a pompom on top to cover the hole though. A likes making pompoms and, as I hate it, I'm quite happy for him to do it.
I'll have to wait for real internet for photos as my phone doesn't make for a very fast connecting.
Thankfully today is a quiet, relaxed day so I can have a go at my socks and jumper, or maybe I'll start some of my Christmas presents; I'm already 6 days behind schedule!
Casting off...
Goodbye has been the main word in my vocabulary over the past few days.
Goodbye to my Church and all the people there,
Goodbye to all the kids I've been working with,
Goodbye to my hosts,
Goodbye to the house,
Goodbye to books and other little items,
And most importantly,
Goodbye to my stash! (Only until it makes its way up here in the car)
It was quite a stressful move, me and A on the train to Newcastle upon Tyne with three bags each wasn't fun.
It's the first time I've lived alone: I don't count A and N (The other guy living with us) because we are all in it for the first time!
We have been without the internet and a TV for 5 days! We can tether our phones but it's not the same...
I've not done much knitting since I've been here, too much "important" stuff to do. A is still failing to convince me that food shopping and sorting out bills could be more important than my jumper.
I did make a hat and a set of fingerless mitts. The hat still needs a pompom on top to cover the hole though. A likes making pompoms and, as I hate it, I'm quite happy for him to do it.
I'll have to wait for real internet for photos as my phone doesn't make for a very fast connecting.
Thankfully today is a quiet, relaxed day so I can have a go at my socks and jumper, or maybe I'll start some of my Christmas presents; I'm already 6 days behind schedule!
Casting off...
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
One down, one to go
Casting on...
Woke up fairly early today and got straight on with my knitting. Managed to finish the first sock! It fits like a glove... like a sock would be more useful but it'll do.

I really love the yarn, I might have to get some more for myself! I'm hoping S's feet are the exact same size as mine though or I might have to keep them... Hmmm...
"Sorry S they fit me too well! No way will they fit you this well... Happy Birthday though!"
Hmm.. No, won't go down well...
We went to Cromer today. I like the sea side but I don't like getting sand between my toes, it bugs me for the rest of the day...
We ate in a nice pub, The Red Lion. A did have to save me from a deadly killer moth though... It was the size of a small bird! (If that small bird happened to be the size of a normal sized moth...)
I've never liked things that flap at me, pigeons, butterflies, moths, bats... anything that could get tangled in my hair or get to close to my face really... But A saved me, he got a glass and a coaster and managed to throw it outside, he had a small crowd of people watching him as he tried to get this moth into the glass (He didn't seem too keen on it either...)
So after an eventful day of sock knitting and killer moth avoiding I'm hoping to get a good restful nights sleep before we travel the 5 hours back to Manchester tomorrow.
Casting off...
Woke up fairly early today and got straight on with my knitting. Managed to finish the first sock! It fits like a glove... like a sock would be more useful but it'll do.

I really love the yarn, I might have to get some more for myself! I'm hoping S's feet are the exact same size as mine though or I might have to keep them... Hmmm...
"Sorry S they fit me too well! No way will they fit you this well... Happy Birthday though!"
Hmm.. No, won't go down well...
We went to Cromer today. I like the sea side but I don't like getting sand between my toes, it bugs me for the rest of the day...
We ate in a nice pub, The Red Lion. A did have to save me from a deadly killer moth though... It was the size of a small bird! (If that small bird happened to be the size of a normal sized moth...)
I've never liked things that flap at me, pigeons, butterflies, moths, bats... anything that could get tangled in my hair or get to close to my face really... But A saved me, he got a glass and a coaster and managed to throw it outside, he had a small crowd of people watching him as he tried to get this moth into the glass (He didn't seem too keen on it either...)
So after an eventful day of sock knitting and killer moth avoiding I'm hoping to get a good restful nights sleep before we travel the 5 hours back to Manchester tomorrow.
Casting off...
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Another year older
Casting on...
Today was my birthday! Happy birthday me!
I had a wonderful day with A, my mum and my dad.
A has been teasing me for days about what he got me and he made me open my presents in the order that would most confuse me...

Came first...

Followed by...

So I was pretty confused by this point!
Then I got these two...

Which didn't make things any clearer...
But then all was cleared up by the last two!

Got to be one of the best presents ever! A home made hand dying kit! I can't wait to get started!
My mum and dad got me a voucher for their local yarn shop Norfolk Yarns (Got to be one of my favourite yarn shops!) So I bought enough wool to make a lovely cardigan - February Lady Sweater. (Ravelry link)
Now I've had 18 birthdays and I think it's pretty safe to say that even in Manchester it tends to be sunny on the 27th July. It's nice, I like the sun and it's much more fun to shop and play (latter applying [mostly] to my younger years) when it's sunny. I've been in Norwich which is a much drier city than Manchester and I've only seen it rain twice!...
... Well three times now...

But it did make for a beautiful sunset...

I hope that today marks the start of a good year of hand dying... But not rain...
Casting off...
Today was my birthday! Happy birthday me!
I had a wonderful day with A, my mum and my dad.
A has been teasing me for days about what he got me and he made me open my presents in the order that would most confuse me...

Came first...

Followed by...

So I was pretty confused by this point!
Then I got these two...

Which didn't make things any clearer...
But then all was cleared up by the last two!

Got to be one of the best presents ever! A home made hand dying kit! I can't wait to get started!
My mum and dad got me a voucher for their local yarn shop Norfolk Yarns (Got to be one of my favourite yarn shops!) So I bought enough wool to make a lovely cardigan - February Lady Sweater. (Ravelry link)
Now I've had 18 birthdays and I think it's pretty safe to say that even in Manchester it tends to be sunny on the 27th July. It's nice, I like the sun and it's much more fun to shop and play (latter applying [mostly] to my younger years) when it's sunny. I've been in Norwich which is a much drier city than Manchester and I've only seen it rain twice!...
... Well three times now...

But it did make for a beautiful sunset...

I hope that today marks the start of a good year of hand dying... But not rain...
Casting off...
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