I have internet!! Until now I've been plugging my phone into my laptop and using the (Limited) internet access I can get from that (very slow...) but now I have fast broadband! (Apparently...)
Yesterday we had guests to the house! A's parents came to drop off some of our (Mostly my) stuff, we had to move by train so I couldn't bring half as much stash as I would have liked... I now have a craft desk set up for all of my creative outlets to run wild! Although at the moment anything that isn't knitting related has been put in a box under said craft desk... so really it's a knitting desk with a few extra pencils....
After long deliberation (I've been so bored!) I have decided to stop calling "A", "A"... I think it's very confusing, heck I get confused when I read over my blog and just see little "A"s all over the place. So here we go... (Not quite the unveiling of The Stig but it's gotta be pretty darn close!) He shall henceforth be known as... Andrew! (Do I have to fire him now? Or kill him off? Anyone got an aircraft carrier?)
I have also finished my socks! (This post is going to live up to it's name darn it!) here they are!

They are quite woolie and make my feet itch a little but I don't care! I'll suffer for them!

I was very worried when I washed them... I even asked Andrew for his opinion on washing settings (he did the very man thing of saying lots of things that weren't very helpful but sounded like they should be...) They didn't felt, though I'll still worry every time I wash them, and Andrew will claim it was his "Help" that prevented felting.
Here is a picture of my "Desk"...

I have to sit in the living room most of the time because Andrew doesn't like to sit alone. He tends to be rather distracting though. I mostly don't mind but I need to blog! (His response to my accusation of "Distracting" was "Me?!... I love you...?" I think he gets away with too much...
I'm very excited about Six Sock September. I made a group on Ravelry and expected that my mum would join "To support me" and that would be about it. I'm amazed at the amount of people who are interested! Everyone seems very keen to get knitting and work through some stash. I've set myself a challenge of working though about half my stash before Christmas and so Six Sock September will get some moving. I also have a few other challenges in mind but they might stick as personal ones. Not sure how many people are going to be up for a knitted cat costume for Halloween... Still not sure if I'm up for it...
Casting off...