Monday, 28 June 2010

Lots to update.

Casting on...

For the past few days I've been in Norwich visiting my parents, I thought this would be a great time to get lots of knitting done but sadly I've been ill. My head has hurt to much to focus on lace and the only other thing I had was a plain scarf which I finished in one evening.
I did get a trip to what has to be one of my favourite yarn shops, It has some really unusual wool it's great!
I got lots of thing too which was even better!

Everything other than the Rowan stuff is from the yarn shop. The Rowan bit where a gift from my mum I've found a nice challenging project in the book which I'm looking forward to starting.

I used this wool,

To make a scarf for my friend as a late birthday present, I love it so much. I used 20mm needles and just knit which shows of the tape very nicely!

Other recent projects include a baby cardigan for a friends new(ish) baby.
This is it unblocked.

This was really quick and fun to knit.
I'll get the info up on all these when I have some nice pictures of them!

Also the scarf for A's mum has been saved thanks to The Knit Nurse! So I keep on knitting. It WILL be done by Christmas!

I now have a small selection of my brooches on sale at Skeins in Glossop. Which is very exciting!

I'm sure I have much more I could show you and tell you but I have a train to catch!

Casting off...

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Lace Emergency!

Casting on...

Do I have a lace curse!? Two lace projects that have ended up being ripped or needing an emergency appointment with The Knit Nurse on Thursday. Am I doomed never to knit lace?!

I had some wool that I needed to clear out and as I have vowed never to throw out good wool! (You'd have to be crazy!!) I have started a baby jumper, it might never get used by anyone as it's in red and black and might be a bit dull for a baby, but it's jumper knitting practice.

Soon I'm hoping to have my brooches on sale in my local yarn shop! I can't wait! Just need to get some cards made up to put them on then I'll be making a trip to Skeins, Glossop to drop a few off!

Casting off...

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Today has been a pretty productive day kitting wise, I've started and finished two projects! One cabled mug hug and a Facecloth with music notes on it. I wanted to get as many of my upcoming birthday presents finished nicely in advance so I have plenty of time to work on Christmas presents.

Now my problem is what can I knit next! I like starting new projects but I know I should finish old one first. I have a lacy scarf for A's mum on the needles which I'm loving! But I get bored easily so I need to switch between projects to get them done. So I should power on! Here's the most recent picture of the scarf.